Oct 21st Epee/Foil Tournament & Oct 22nd Epee/Foil Training Camp

Hello FENB Members, We have more events coming up for the weekend of Oct 21-22. On Sat., Oct 21st the UNB Fencing club is hosting an Epee & Foil tournament with Open and Junior events at the Currie Centre in Fredericton! And on Sun., Oct 22nd there is an Epee & Foil training camp also […]

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Epee & Foil Training Camp – Oct 1st

Hello FENB Members, FENB invites any fencers with competitive experience (i.e., who have fenced in a tournament) to attend the first training camp of this season. This camp is aimed at giving athletes the tools they need to make a strong start to the season. The basics are below, but check out the full details […]

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New Provincial Team section on the website!

Hello FENB Members, With all of the new developments around the Provincial Team there are a lot of documents floating around, so I have created a new listing for it on the FENB website under “Programs.” If it’s Provincial Team-related, you should be able to find it there. Cheers, David

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Fundy Open 2017

Hello FENB Members, I am excited to announce the first New Brunswick tournament of the season, the 2017 Fundy Open! The Fundy Open is happening on Oct 14th & 15th, at Harbourview High School, 305 Douglas Ave, in Saint John, NB. For more details check out the 2017 FUNDY OPEN TOURNAMENT flier and waiver. The […]

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Upcoming event: Provincial Team Info Session-Sept 17th

There is a Provincial Team Information Session being held on Sunday, Sept 17th. Anyone who might be interested in fencing out-of-province this season should attend! Even if you have never fenced outside of New Brunswick before and are only considering it, it is still worth coming. See this document for more information. What: Provincial Team […]

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FENB searching for new Executive Director

The Executive Director (ED) is responsible for executing projects and tasks to meet the goals of Fencing-Escrime NB (FENB). The ED implements the policies established by the Board of Directors, provides leadership, coordination, direction and guidance in FENB’s activities. Le directeur général ou la directrice générale (DG) est responsable de l’exécution des projets et tâches […]

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Fencing Coaches’ Summer Workshop/ Atelier de formation estivale des entraîneurs d’escrime

Fencing Coaches’ Summer Workshop 2017 with Ildemaro Sanchez A partnership project between FENB & Damocles at Damocles Fencing Club, 800 St. Mary’s St., Fredericton July 29: 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm and July 30: 9:00 am to 4:30 pm, 2017 Workshop Description:  Coaches will learn how to integrate basic tactics (distance play, timing and game logic) into group drills […]

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Green armband Evaluations

FENB is providing members with an opportunity to achieve the Green Armband level of the Canadian Fencing Federation Instructional Program which follows the stages of skill development in fencing. FENB Green Armband Evaluations Announcement Sportingly, La FENB offre aux membres la possibilité d’atteindre le niveau du brassard vert du programme d’instruction de la Fédération canadienne d’escrime […]

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UNB Fencing Club’s Summer Sword

Dear FENB. members, Please find the information for the UNB Fencing Club’s Summer Sword Tournament attached to this email. The tournament will be held in Fredericton on the weekend of July 15-16. Sportingly, 2017 UNB Summer Sword Tournament — Cher membres du FENB, Vous trouverez ci-joint les informations pour le tournoi de  UNB Fencing Club Summer […]

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Summer camps in N.-B.

Dear FENB members, Summer is finally here and we are happy to share with you the training camp opportunities that occur over the summer in New-Brunswick.   Quispamsis, Monday July 17th– Friday July 21st, 2017 Summer Foil Fencing Camp 2017 Summer Day Camp 2017 Registration   Fredericton, 4 summer camps design for each level of development […]

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