Volunteers Required for FENB Secretariat Training Clinic

FENB Secretariat Training Clinic

Date: Sunday, January 22, 2012
Time: 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Location: Damocles Fencing Salle
55 Whiting Rd., Fredericton

FENB is seeking volunteers in each region to boost the number of trained Secretariat personnel who can run the computer program for tournaments in their region. This clinic is for beginners and those who would like a refresher clinic.

Please bring a laptop with EnGarde 8.16 installed. You can download EnGarde 8.16 from the CFF website: http://www.fencing.ca/…_organizers.htm

To register: Reply by e-mail to FENB Technical Director, Barbara Daniel at bjdaniel@nbnet.nb.ca

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